Thursday, August 27, 2020

Song of an Innocent Bystander Essay Example for Free

Melody of an Innocent Bystander Essay I am a terrible individual is Fredas perspective on herself advocated? From the mouths of angels comes reality. From the time these words are expressed Freda is OGradys most loved prisoner, and through this she sees an opportunity to make sure about her own security by remaining on his great side. At the point when the attack is finished anyway Freda ends up spoke to as a terrible individual by what Theo composed on certain napkins. Without anybody to advise her shes not terrible, she is commanded by Theos perspective on her as recorded on the napkins. The napkins, which ensnare Freda in Theos demise, make issues for Freda in light of the fact that, by keeping them mystery she is caused to feel she has something to stow away. It is because of these components that in Fredas see she is an awful individual. The terrible man. is the means by which Freda alludes to John OGrady. In spite of the fact that in embroiling OGrady as an awful man Freda is likewise uncovering her perspective on herself as an awful individual. From the earliest starting point of the attack OGrady favored Freda, calling her nectar, an undeniable indication of warmth. Looking for wellbeing Freda found that by become a close acquaintence with OGrady she could in any event have some control of her destiny. As she became more established Freda started to feel that having the option to interface with OGrady more likely than not implied that she also was as terrible as everybody said OGrady seemed to be. OGrady was the main individual Freda could associate with and the main individual who gave any indication of invitingness to her during the attack. At the earliest reference point of the attack OGrady requests that different prisoners deal with Freda. They all will not do as such and she is set in Theos care on OGradys orders. Freda, having seen this would have felt undesirable which would make her progressively defenseless against OGradys suggestions of kinship and her sentiments of having been an associate in his disagreeableness There is something strong about composed words. They can be held, examined, each perusing taking them further into the spirit of the peruser, planting them more profound. Fredas mum, with an end goal to shield Freda from being butchered by the media shrouded the napkins that Theo had composed on and, in actuality changed the effect the attack itself for Freda. To a nine-year-olds mind, the main motivation to conceal such data was on the grounds that it was either badâ or embroiled somebody as terrible. The napkins turned into a declaration to Fredas disagreeableness. Freda had no advising after the attack and her mom was occupied with claims, looking for pay for the effect of the attack based on Freda being a casualty. Freda let her creative mind and her psyche take advantage of the obvious assault on her honesty that is depicted in the napkins and dreading being mistreated by the media. She before long discovered her life ruled by them, to her everybody must have the option to see she was awful, everybody probably took note. In Fredas mind the napkins had been misrepresented to such a degree she was unable to locate any great in herself and was continually reminded by their essence that, in Theos sentiment, she was an insane little bitch, extraordinary and, wiped out in the head. With words like this going through her mind it is nothing unexpected that all through her adolescents Freda thought herself an awful individual. The napkins turned into a liable mystery and Theos perspectives on Freda were unchallenged by Freda or any other individual, in view of this Freda took Theos word for truth and accepted that the napkins uncovered her actual character. That insane little bitch is advising him to shoot. The napkins ensnare Freda in Theos passing and OGradys self destruction was legitimately connected to Theos demise. Freda, as the sole overcomer of the three feels capable. This prompts blame and her conviction she should be a terrible individual. During the attack Freda had realized the weapon was not stacked, OGrady had revealed to her it wasnt. When Freda said Do it (shoot Theo) she wished to panic Theo while OGrady was compromising him. Freda was irate and needed to rebuff Theo in light of the fact that Theo was attempting to isolate her from out, which was, she accepted, with OGrady. As the attack draws on Freda discovers that OGrady has been misleading her thus when he reveals to her he has stacked the weapon Freda doesnt trust him. She doesnt intercede to stop him doing his danger to shoot Theo through the entryway. She most likely feels remorseful in light of the fact that had she trusted him she may have had the option to utilize a portion of her impact over OGrady to ensure Theo. It is this blame which Freda feels underpins her conviction that she is an awful individual. Freda feels she is terrible in view of the manner in which she is depicted all through Theos napkins. Theos accusatory words and negative impression of Freda surviveâ as declaration after the attack. On the off chance that Freda had guiding or had the option to give her record of what occurred in the attack it would have been impossible that Theos perspective on her could have been so ground-breaking in molding her perspective on herself. Freda is definitely not an awful individual yet she has been caused to feel like one.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Funny Selection of Philosophy Jokes

A Funny Selection of Philosophy Jokes There are a lot of diverting way of thinking jokes out there, some of which could without much of a stretch be fused into showing materials for the two youngsters and grown-ups. From three books on the subject by Tom Cathcart and Dan Klein to the last pages of the web, theory has borne the brunt of numerous a joke through the ages, offering both truth and cleverness to a fairly terrible perception of the human condition. The historical backdrop of philosophyâ is, truth be told, loaded with humor. Cathcart and Klein Since 2007, the dynamic way of thinking comedic pair of Tom Cathcart and Dan Klein have utilized cleverness to watch some essential facts around human brain science and antiquated and present day ways of thinking. They broadly encouraged the work you may even start to comprehend theory through jokes, writing three books on the point. To a great extent their structures depended on making a quip at that point disclosing its importance to the more extensive science. Their first book, Plato and Platypus Walk Into A Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes debuted in 2007 and was a significant business hit, stalling jokes as per philosophical branches or expansive points, for example, relativity. In it, it dissects such jokes as what is the sound of one hand applauding, as they contrast with Platos perceptions on subjects like religion, rationale, and thinking. Aristotle and an Aardvark Go To Washington was their subsequent book, distributed in 2008 and used government officials most ungainly converse with take up philosophical issues. Their third book Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates: Using Philosophy (and Jokes!) to Explore Life, Death, the Afterlife, and Everything in Between (2009) is committed to a solitary philosophical subject: interminability. Some of Historys Greatest Jokes Some striking and unsourceable jokes date right back to Platos time, indeed, The First Law of Philosophy is that for each rationalist, there exists an equivalent and inverse savant and the Second Law of Philosophy expresses that theyre both wrong. A typical joke overheardâ in eighteenth century England was told as Did you hear that George Berkeley kicked the bucket? His better half quit seeing him! Also, more as of late, you may have seen this jewel put on washroom slows down: God is dead - Nietzsche; Nietzsche is dead: God. Nothing is protected in the domain of theory jokes, particularly not religion. Have you heard this one? What did the Buddhist state to the sausage merchant? Make me one with all the fixings; What did the seller at that point say to the Buddhist when he requested change? Change originates from inside! Morals likewise hasnt kept away from deride, just like the case with this well known joke. In it, a completely common youthful lawyer and a savant were occupied with a furious religious discussion. Paradise and heck, you will concur, may in all likelihood be isolated by a divider, fought the legal counselor. Would it be a good idea for it to happen that this divider would tumble down, who might you say must revamp it? He sets that the upright would demand that the underhanded do it and the last would probably cannot. He proceeds, If this case preceded an adjudicator, which do you accept would develop the champ? The scholar answered, I can't help suspecting that any reasonable appointed authority would render a decision against the insidious since the probability is that the divider ought to disintegrate from the flames of hellfire as opposed to from the happiness of Paradise, yet then again, I completely understand that damnation most likely contains a full standard of garrulous tong ued attorneys, and I ought to along these lines not be astonished on the off chance that they won the case.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Does Your Spouse Have Bad Credit Heres How it Can Affect You.

Does Your Spouse Have Bad Credit Here’s How it Can Affect You. Does Your Spouse Have Bad Credit? Here’s How it Can Affect You. Does Your Spouse Have Bad Credit? Here’s How it Can Affect You.Joint loan applications might be a problem, and joint accounts could be dangerous.In any good marriage, two people come together and form a single unit, one that is stronger and more capable than either person ever could have been while singlelike a two-person Voltron, only with fewer robot lions and more matching towel sets.But when it comes to credit scores, getting married is a little more complicated. Your hearts may become one, but your credit scores will not. There is no such thing as a “married credit score.”And if one of you has a significantly worse score than the other? Well, that’s where some of those promises in your wedding vows will really come into play.First, some credit score basics“Most credit today is awarded based on a credit score or “FICO” (which by the way is just a company name “Fair Isaac Company”) and that number is very powerful in determining your financial future,” says Ju stin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer at BeenVerified (@BeenVerified).“Your credit score will determine if you get a loan, and more importantly how much you will pay for that loan.”FICO scores range from 300 to 850. The higher the score, the better your credit. Generally, a score above 720 means you have great credit, and a score under 630 means you have bad credit.Credit scores are based off information in your credit report, and lenders will often check both (score and report) when evaluating your application for a loan or credit card.According to Katie Ross, Education and Development Manager for American Consumer Credit Counseling (@talkcentsblog), “Your credit score represents your financial reputation in a numeric representation. Therefore, combining finances once you are married can be impacted with a poor credit score of one person in the relationship.”“Credit scores play a critical role in instances such as applying for larger loans such as for a car or for a mortgage,” says Ross. “Therefore, a higher credit score means you will borrow at potentially low-interest rates, resulting in larger savings in the future.”One Couple, Two Credit Scores.Throughout a marriage, folks are going to be faced with any number of large financial decisions, most of which will require getting a loan. And applying for a loan will mean facing the hard truth that one bad credit score between you can drastically hurt your chances of approval.According to Ross, “Although marriage combines finances between partners, it does not mean your credit scores are merged. Your credit scores can play a major role in finances if and when you apply for loans as a married couple. In a joint application, creditors assess the eligibility terms based on the credit score of both parties.”Lenders are notoriously risk averse, which means that they will generally use the lower of the two scores to determine your creditworthiness.There’s always the option of leaving your sp ouse off the application, but Lavelle points out that there are some significant downsides to that as well:“If one person has terrible credit, they more than likely will need to be left off the credit application, which can mean their income is not considered as well. This can be a real burden if the purchase in consideration is a large one, such as a home or car.”“If one spouse has a great credit score and the other has a low score, the marriage most likely will be penalized because credit will be awarded based on the lower score,” says Lavelle.“If you are looking to buy a house, this penalty can be to the tune of thousands of dollars you end up paying in higher interest costs over the life of the loanand that is if you are even given the loan.”Joint account pain.It’s common for married couples to open up joint checking accounts and credit cards. And in many situations, this is a totally safe practice.But Lavelle warns that opening joint accounts when one spouse has b ad credit could end up dragging down both your scores:“Be wary of having joint accounts if your spouse is bad with money or has poor credit. Once you sign on the “dotted line” and open a joint account, you are responsible for that account and subject to the derogatory remarks on your credit if your spouse fails to keep the account current and pay on time.“Once you are married, if you do not maintain individual credit, your credit rating could suffer and you may not be able to obtain credit in your individual name. This happens because your credit report will show long gaps of time that you had no credit or accounts in your name.“If the time comes that you need to open an account, it may be difficult or impossible to do because, in essence, you have adopted your spouse’s credit, good or bad. It will be like starting over for you.”Lavelle also warns that a spouse’s bad credit may affect your assetsmeaning your house, car, and other valuable belongings:“This usually d oesn’t come into play unless there is a real mess and people are suing to collect their money. However, it is important to understand that if you are married to someone that cannot control spending and doesn’t think making payments is important, you may be at risk.“In this situation, if you do not open a joint account with this person then you will not be individually responsible for his or her debts and your individual credit will not be disturbed by their bad actions, but the problem doesn’t end there.“In a marriage, if you have joint bank accounts and own property jointly, those assets may be available to creditors of the spouse with a poor history. This is usually only the case after suit and judgment, but with a judgment, a creditor can levy against joint accounts and joint assets.“It may be best if your spouse is irresponsible with money to just keep everything separate.”Will your bad credit affect your spouse?  So far we’ve given you a lot of words about how m arrying someone with bad credit can go horribly wrong. (You’re welcome.) But it would be silly to let your love for someone be determined by their credit scoreInstead, you and your spouse will just need to take some much needed financial action. And the first step you’ll need to take isfunnily enoughthe exact same step you need to take when fixing any issue in a marriage: communicate.“In order to overcome these credit score issues,” says Ross, “it is important to communicate these among each other. Carefully go through each other’s credit reports to identify any errors and take immediate action to correct them.”From there, you’ll want to start practicing good money habits. According to Ross, “In addition to identifying errors, the next step you can take as partners is to remind each other to make timely payments. Setting up automatic bill pay, and reminders can help avoid further reductions in your credit score.”Ross says that “Depending on your financial goals as a married couple, it is important that you take corrective action along the way.“Coming up with a plan to pay off outstanding credit card debt, avoiding opening any new credit lines or closing too many old accounts or even merely over-utilizing credit can be pitfalls.“Working together to avoid such pitfalls and practicing good credit habits can help married couples recover their credit scores and reach their financial goals.”All marriages are going to encounter a rough patch or two (and that’s if you’re lucky). Having a spouse with a bad credit score could certainly be one of them. But smart money management and frank communication can help make it a minor one.Follow these tips and you can save those big fights for stuff that really matterslike matching towel sets.Do you or your spouse have bad credit? We want to hear about how you two have managed it! You can shoot us an email by clicking here or find us on Twitter at @OppLoans.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | T witter | LinkedINContributorsJustin Lavelle  (@BeenVerified) is a Scams Prevention Expert and the Chief Communications Officer of BeenVerified,  a leading source of online background checks and contact information. BeenVerified allows individuals to find more information about people, phone numbers, email addresses and property records.Katie Ross  (@talkcentsblog) joined the American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC) management team in 02 and is currently responsible for organizing and implementing high-performance development initiatives designed to increase consumer financial awareness. Ms. Ross’s main focus is to conceptualize the creative strategic programming for ACCC’s client base and national base to ensure a maximum level of educational programs that support and cultivate ACCC’s organization.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Kent Haruf Tribute

Have you ever been lucky enough to see how Kent Haruf works on his masterpieces? If yes, then you have definitely seen how he pulls a wool cap on the eyes, sits down in front of the manual typewriter and fully dives into the process of creation. He used to write one chapter a day, in the backyard of his home located in Salida, where Kent Haruf actually passed away at 71. Paragraphs, punctuations as well as capitalization – all these issues were left alone before the second draft. The number one task was to generate the first draft, to let the imagery stream run smoothly, single-spaced. He simply described the world previously created in his mind. He most famous work by Mr. Haruf is the â€Å"Plainsong† that reflects the lives of several families: a pregnant teenager, aging brothers, young boy and their mother, who suffers from depression. The author spent six years in order to complete the work. Critics highly praised the depth of his characters as well as his spare sentences and well described circumstances. No wonder that this book made Kent Haruf a real sensation! The author was rejected the very first time he applied to the Writers’ Workshop in Iowa at the age of 20, and even more rejections waited in the future. Fortunately, the author eventually broke through! His first novel was published in 1984. Six years later the world faced with the other masterpiece from Mr. Haruf. As for the â€Å"Plainsong†, this book provided the author with an opportunity to earn enough money to retire from the teaching position he took in Southern Illinois. At that time Kent Haruf continued to write blind. What was so special about this method? The point is that it took away the terrors and never let the author to get back and fix the sentence. The book called â€Å"Eventide† was published in 2004 and included some characters from the â€Å"Plainsong†. Some of the critics said that Kent Haruf had this magical ability to make the readers care about the small-town folks without all unnecessary sentimental clichà ©s. Born in Pueblo (Colo.), on Feb. 24, 1943, Kent Haruf grew up in Yuma and Wray – the towns that are located in the northeastern region of the state. He attended junior high and high school in Canon City. Kent Haruf was the students of Nebraska Wesleyan University situated in Lincoln. In 1965 he took the volunteer position in Peace Corps in Turkey. During the Vietnam War Mr. Haruf received conscientious-objector status and worked in an orphanage and a hospital. The author of the â€Å"Plainsong† was 41 when he actually sold his first literary work to the magazine called â€Å"Puerto del Sol†. His first marriage ended up with divorce. In addition to his wife, a talented and truly knowledgeable writer also had three daughters – Whitney Haruf, Sorel Haruf and Chaney Matsukis, as well as five stepchildren – Joel Dempsey, Amy Dempsey, Jessica Hedayat, Jennifer Dempsey and Jason Dempsey. Many grandchildren, a sister and two brothers – Mr. Haruf was surrounded by people, who truly loved him and appreciated his eternal talents!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Analysis Of The Writing Style Of Octavia Butler - 1432 Words

Tinotenda Muchenje Dr. Shinn Sophomore Seminar 25 September 2017 First Essay Assignment Kindred By Octavia Butler The writing style of Octavia Butler is heavily influenced by her historical period and her life experiences. This is evident through investigation of her historical period, life experiences, her novel; Kindred. Butler’s writing is a unique mixture of neo- slave narratives, exaggerated tales, cultural rituals, fantasy, folklore, science fiction, and spirituality. Butler uses science fiction and fantasy as a means of exploiting racism, suffering, and the black female narrative of isolation and disconnectedness from society in many of her novels, namely, Kindred. Though her intent was not to be a science fiction†¦show more content†¦Board of Education of Topeka (1954). This case said that segregated schools were unconstitutional and resulted in the forced integration of schools. Overall the civil rights era was an era where ideas of black power and black excellence proliferated. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Black Panthers, and Malcolm X are often seen as symbolic figu res during this time. Even though black females like Ella Baker; Septima Clark; and Rosa Parks are not as recognized. Octavia Butler was born on June 22 1947 in Pasadena, California. She was the only child of Laurice and Octavia Margaret (Guy) Butler, but was raised by her mother and grandmother as a result of her father’s death during infancy. Her mother was a strict, overprotective, Baptist woman who worked tirelessly to support Octavia and her grandmother. Butler was immersed in a reality with strong female protagonists who endured extreme isolation, humiliation and misery. She watched her mother as she single handedly provided for the family and took the cruel, dehumanizing rhetoric of her white employers with a stone face. She listened to her grandmother, a slave who was forced to work in the cane fields of Louisiana, as she spoke of her past. As if their struggles were passed down through her blood, young Butler wore their mental scars like armour and spun exaggerated tales where their courage and heroism could be seen and commended. If my mother hadn t put up with all thoseShow MoreRelatedHills Like White Elephants : A Critical Analysis1708 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†: A Critical Analysis Introduction: One of the many themes in his stories for which Ernest Heming way is known, includes feminism. At Hemingway’s time feminism was known as a famous movement and it affected many important writers like Octavia Butler and Virginia Woolf. Hemingway was a literary icon of his time and he was influenced by the political, social and human rights movements of his time. He was also touched by the hopelessness of women and how their thinkingRead MoreHistory of Social Work18530 Words   |  75 Pages............................................................................25 Elizabeth Gurney Fry ...............................................................................................................................................25 Octavia Hill ..............................................................................................................................................................26 Arnold Toynbee ............................................................. ....

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What a Home Really is in The House on Mango Street Essays

What a Home Really is in The House on Mango Street â€Å"Home is where the heart is.† In The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros develops this famous statement to depict what a â€Å"home† really represents. What is a home? Is it a house with four walls and a roof, the neighborhood of kids while growing up, or a unique Cleaver household where everything is perfect and no problems arise? According to Cisneros, we all have our own home with which we identify; however, we cannot always go back to the environment we once considered our dwelling place. The home, which is characterized by who we are, and determined by how we view ourselves, is what makes every individual unique. A home is a personality, a depiction of who we are inside and†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I am an ugly daughter,† she says. â€Å"I am the one nobody comes for† (109). She feels she can relate to the four skinny trees outside her window. â€Å"Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine† (93) . Just as the trees survive under a harsh environment, Esperanza finds difficulty in accepting the neighborhood in which she lives. She is very self-conscious about her name, whose mispronunciation by teachers and peers at school sounds ugly to her ears. She struggles with jealousy of her younger sister Nenny and cynically says that she â€Å"has pretty eyes and it’s easy to talk†¦if you are pretty† (109). Ashamed of most everything she identifies with, Esperanza is maturing with a very low perception of herself. She is not content with her home and surroundings, and cannot be until she is happy with her own character. The neighborhood is not exactly a pretty place as Esperanza describes it. She says, â€Å"here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and most things that are beautiful† (39). In the one year of Esperanza’s life that this book covers, she is raped, abused, and sees the death of the only person who would listen to her poetry- â€Å"Her name was Aunt Lupe and she was beautiful like [her] mother† (70). Her discontent with the neighborhood surrounding the house on Mango Street and the rough times that she experienced caused her to want to move away fromShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of The House On Mango Street1163 Words   |  5 PagesEzra Collins English 9: Tetlak Literary Analysis: The House on Mango Street November 3, 2017 Remember Where Your From The House on Mango Street On average 40,093,000 people in the United States move annually. In the book The House on Mango Street the main character Esperanza and her family are included in this number. They Come very poor roots, and they don t have much money. They move often, one day dreaming to live in a real house, one they don t have to share, one with their own yard, withRead MoreThe House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros766 Words   |  3 Pagesliterary analysis on â€Å"The House on Mango Street† by Sandra Cisneros. This story takes place in the center of an over populated Latino neighborhood in Chicago, a city where many of the poor areas are ethnically segregated. This novella uses two main symbols shoes and trees. Later in the literary analysis I will explain what these mean to the main characters. There are three main characters in the novella Esperanza, Sally and Nenny (short for â€Å"Magdalena†). The House on Mango Street tells the life of EsperanzaRead MoreThe House On Mango St reet Analysis1145 Words   |  5 Pagesnovel The House on Mango Street portrays the struggle of a young Latina girl from a bad neighborhood who is trying to have a better life. From the beginning, it is evident that the dreams of this young girl are to be independent, become a writer, and have a home of her own. To begin with, the author makes it clear from the start that Esperanza, the young Latina girl, is a big dreamer who wishes to be independent. Throughout the book, it is clear how much she talks about leaving Mango street and beingRead More Imprisoned on Mango Street Essay695 Words   |  3 PagesImprisoned on Mango Street â€Å"I am tired of looking at what we can’t have.† This particular quote explains that Esperanza desperately longs to leave Mango Street behind, but she also feels that she may be trapped forever. Esperanza is coming to realize she may never get out of Mango Street. Esperanza feels as though she is trapped many times. Three areas where Esperanza realizes just how trapped she is are a treasure in a furniture shop that they cannot have, Esperanza’s family making lies aboutRead MoreThe House On Mango Street Essay746 Words   |  3 Pagesand people are afraid to go near this neighborhood because, people thought they would get jumped or hurt. This neighborhood is known as Mango Street, and there is a young girl named Esperanza(Sandra Cisneros) that lives in a old broken down home. This is her story in The House on Mango Street, Esperanza is a young Latina writer, inventing for herself who and what she will become . Esperanza did not have many friends, was shy, and very sensitive but her love to write and telling of stories has gottenRead More‚Äà ºthe Setting of the House on Mango Street‚Äà ¹974 Words   |  4 Pages10:40-11:55 November 26, 2012 â€Å"The Setting of the House on Mango Street† The short story, â€Å"The House on Mango Street,† is a story that is centered within a particular neighborhood, which is evidently inhabited by middle-to-lower class folks. Although the introduction of the story does not state a specific location, it is safe to say that it is not the typical neighborhood where you would find rich white folks living. For example, the house where the protagonists live is described as almost collapsingRead MoreThe American Dream in The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros1511 Words   |  7 Pageseverybody has one, it can be from living in a large house and having a million dollars to just having the privilege to live in America and try to make something better for themselves in this new life or new start they are trying to grasp. There are many traditions and dreams of every American today while some dreams are practical and some are not and most of all their dreams are from the heart. The American dream is really simple--it consists of a house a job a car three kids and one dog but this is notRead MoreThe House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros886 Words   |  4 PagesThe House on Mango Street is a novel by Sandra Cisneros. The novel is acclaimed by critics and used in schools all around the world. â€Å"The House on Mango Street† is about a young Latina girl who is about the age of 12 when the novel begins. Sandra’s novels have sold over two million copies. Sandra was born on December 20, 1984, in Chicago, Illinois. In 2016, President Barack Obama presented her with the medal of ‘National Medal of Arts’. Title: The House on Mango Street Author: Sandra Cisneros TheRead MoreTheme Of Oppression In The House On Mango Street1470 Words   |  6 Pagesa murder on the loose who only kills people wearing a blue coat. Whats the first thing you do? Do you wear your blue coat in defiance of the blue coat killer? I mean, who is some murder to tell you what you can and cannot wear?Do you hide it, I mean theres a murder so it common sense, right? But what if you couldn’t hide them? Now imagine that the blue coat killer is a euphemism for the oppression in our society, and the blue coats are the things being oppressed in people, whether it be race, genderRead MoreEssay on The House on Mango Street and the Style of Sandra Cisneros1669 Words   |  7 PagesThe House on Mango Street and the Style of Sandra Cisneros Clearly, Sandra Cisneros writing style is one representative of a minority voice. Her amazing style allows her readers to take an active part in the minority experience. For this reason, I believe Cisneros has had a lot of influence and success in the status of minority writers, especially in the canon of what is read and taught in schools today. But, more than anything, Cisneros has shown that liberation can come through creativity

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Three Workable School Improvement Plans

Question: Evaluates three workable school improvement plans. Address the following in your paper: Include the consequences of reforms noted in the plans. Include the benefits of reforms noted in the plans. Defend the one that you think would work best at your school. Answer: School Improvement Plan: A school improvement plan means a type of road map that gives a basic idea that a school needs to make in order to give a better result to the student educational development. This sort of plan not only helps the students but also the teachers and principal as well. This improvement plan also lays down where and when such plan is required to be implicated. This type of plans help in monitoring the development of student achievements and other necessary factors like school environment which are also quite influential in development of student mind and capibilities. This type of school improvement plans has quite a few advantages like it helps to keep a up-to-dated knowledge about the development of the student and also this in turn helps the school to understand the needs of the students, teachers and parents. It is also influential in the accountability of performance of a particular school as results of the students gives knowledge about the school to the people at large. School Imp rovement Plan is a sort of mechanism. At the very first in order to create a school improvement plan ,the student councils, teachers, principals and other community members concerned with it starts seeking information about a particular school and then after analyzing the information gathered, they set out a degree changes required to be done to that particular school for the development of the student. While making these changes as set out in the plan, the comparison keeps going on between the original condition that was prevailing and the present changes that are being done. The basic changes that are required to be considered are curriculum delivery, school environment, parental involvement etc. First School Improvement Plan: The very first example that was set out applying the newly initiated school improvement plan was New Yorks Johnson City Central School District. They found a new way out for communicating the newly found rules without nullifying or conflicting the existing rules termed as ODDM. They believed that it not enough to have effective teaching system but a teaching system congruent with district objectives. There basic motives which they wanted to bring in for the development of the students .This particular school introduced ODDM (outcome driven development models). For example, in a school where ODDM is not present, suppose there are some major issues regarding the homework patterns given to the student. Parents complained about it and every teacher and a different or no reason for it. So, in order to make the teacher-parents communication smooth and effective, if a set of central rules are laid down then every teacher and every parents will be bound to follow it. Using the ODDM model it was analysed that homework will be more effective if the homework is related to the study which the student have already studied. This would help in Student Development. The basic missions of ODDM are mainly research base including pshycological base, transformational base, administrative support etc. Second School Improvement Plan: Halton District School Board sets out another example of School Improvement Plan. The two main purposes lay down by the school for improvement plan is to seek more capability in the skills and knowledge of the educators and also to improve student learning, achievement and well beings. The basic works of the Improvement Development board is to analyse both quantitative and qualitative data for specific development of the student and also to determine the policies and evidences that will help in this development of the student capacities and abilities. The Board should also allocate resources including professional learning. The basic benefits that the students will draw out of this School Improvement Plan are they will achieve high levels of academic knowledges, develop their skills and become a good example of good citizen. The benefit of the educators will be that they would learn continuously and would turn out to be the best educators of the world. Third School Improvement Plan: Toronto Catholic District School Board sets out another remarkable example of workable school improvement plan. The basic mission of every School Improvement Board is developing grace and knowledge in student and in turn helping them to live a life with dignity and faith. The initial and the basic cause for developing this boards are to ensure that the learning process for the students become richer with passing days and that they learn as well as the educators develop their in built skills since birth and continue till adulthood. The recent plan set out by the Toronto Catholic District School Board includes increasing student engagement, nurturing the catholic community, improving student learning and reducing the learning opportunity gap. Consequences Of Reform Noted In The Plans The initial improvement plan was initiated by New Yorks Johnson City Central School District named ODDM. Consequences would have been vast if this plan wasnt initiated during that time. Schools were facing different issues like homework related issues or school administration issues. After introducing ODDM quite a few issues were solved. The introduction of ODDM helped in administering the schools in a systematic matter. It could provide a logical way for learning of the students. Even the most desired thing when it comes to running a school is the parents-teachers communication so that both the teachers as well as the parents understand the basic needs of the children ad can take an initiative to work in the manner desired. The consequence of this Improvement plan programme was that the teachers, the principals all became more aware of the environment and status of education in the society, and opted to give best education to their child in all manner possible. Schools started working hard to develop the skill of the educators so that they proper education can be provided to the students. If this initiative was taken then most of the schools as well as the parents of the student would be still stuck in old patterns of teaching and as result neither the school will have any development nor the teachers nor the students. It is to early to understand the effects of this plan but the implementation of this improvement plans were having quite a few consequences among schools, nearby communities and individuals. The basic side- effect was that since individuals were being introduced to new plans and ideas about the educational system, their in-built concepts were getting hampered and as such a lot of queries and confusions were being cropping into their mind. This resulted into personal conflicts within oneself. It also started having issues in the social system because the previous educational system and the present changes opting to be brought in were conflicting with each other. It wasnt being easy for people or students or educators even to accept the changes so smoothly. Halton District School Board while implementing the Improvement plan faced quite a few issues. The implementation of the school Improvement plan faced certain consequences which made it difficult for them to manage the administration of school. While implementing the improvement plan, issues were raised regarding the proper advisory board. The parents felt that there was no proper evaluation of the datas and facts collected about the needs of the educational system. They felt that there was some defaults on the part of the advisory board to analyse the facts collected and investigated. As such the basic side-effect was that the students faced quite a few difficulties .Sudden changes in the educational system without proper information being applied made it difficult for them to adopt. Again due to improper and inadequate communication, the parents at the initial begin faced little problem in understanding the new methods that were being implemented. There were some positive effects as well for the new introduced Improvement Plan. The Principals, The educators, The students and the parents as well being able to get introduced to thoughts and scopes of education which they didnt have any idea about. Students and educators got a new bloom to the educational system. They werent anymore part of the patent old pattern educational system . They had something new to learn for themselves and for the community at large. As observed, Toronto Catholic District School Board had a mixed result of this newly introduced Improvement Plan. There were few good consequences and few adverse ones. The basic good consequences were a benefit for both the school authorities as well as the students. Students being introduced to the new system, accepted the changes in a very well mannered. The new system initiated a lot of interest in the students mind. Students who initial avoided school, started going to school regularly for they found a new interest in their boring educational system. Now the teaching method seem to be more interesting for them. Teachers even showed more interest in teaching method now. New interesting ways were being introduced newly and as such even the educators were getting to learn new applications while teaching the students. One more benefit that the school was getting after introducing the new Improvement Plan for the school development was that the school name was getting a lot of recognition in the society. Due to the newly introduced ways a lot of parents were being more interested in educating their children from this particular school. As a result the school reputation was getting higher and even the school was getting more approachable by the people at large. This was benefiting the school administration at large to run the school with good reputation and facilities. Few adverse effects were also being noticed while this changes were taking place. People in the society who have accepted and are well acquinted with the old patterns of education found it difficult for themselves to adopt to the new system. They felt that the new introduced method would confuse the students more than giving them ease in this system. Even they felt that the educators would now work less to gather knowledge for the purpose of teaching the students. There capibilities and teaching qualities would be degrading in nature instead of any development. Benefits Of Reform In The Plan: New York Johnson School City District: This school was the first one to introduce the School Improvement Plan. It worked hard on this plan at the base and as a consequence it had quite a few benefying results in hand. Johnson School City District became a highly effective school on introducing this Improvement Plan. Now their vision became more clear and focused and far-sighted. The environment of the school became safer and manageable. It also became eco-friendly for student to spent their time. This in turn helped them to be more nature cautious and also to grow up to be a better human being . Parents becoming aware of the new introduced system, now started expecting high rate of success from the students. Their expectation towards the school authority also increased with there growing needs. They now expected a better administration from the school authority in managing their children and a better developed educational system that would be benefiting their childs growth both physiological and pshycological. The benefit that the school drew by introducing this new improvement system was that the reputation and recoginition of the school increased with eventually in the city. People became more aware about this particular school due to their newly introduced methods that attracted the parents at large to give their students a better education. In this manner the school gained a lot of popularity and such it became benefiting for them to run this education business with proper administration and management . Halton District School Board: Another reputed school that introduced or worked for the improvement of school and educational system was Halton District School Board. The management of the school as well the parents of the student were benefited in a lot of manner. Enhancing their communication management among the teachers and the parents now helped both the classes to know better about the needs of the children studying . Teachers on communicating with the parents could get aware about the developed or lacking skills of a particular student, and hence could take initiative to work on that particular student according to the need. Parents on the other hand were now being introduced to the new developed system which not only helped them to give their children a better education but it also gave them a better opportunity to upgrade themselves with the changing pattern. They could also develop themselves. The most advantageous part of this plan was that now students were being monitored more frequently and as such the faculty of educators as well as the head authority of the school was getting to know better about the students need. Accordingly they could work on their plan for development. The school being more aware about the students need their focus shifted to high level of students achievement thereby focusing on the activities relating to learning . The students were the ones who were benefited the most. System of education were being channelized according to their needs and requirement. As a result students became more friendly with the atmosphere and their interest towards the school increased. They were becoming more comfortable with studies. Introduction of curriculum activities help the students not only to enhance their educational knowledge but also skills in other activities . Toronto Catholic District School Board: Since Toronto Catholic District School Board was a catholic school one of the improvements that they opted for was centrally development of Catholic churches and their beliefs and faiths in the work and the goals of school in the Catholic system . The basic explanation to this central development of catholic beliefs and faiths are that this schools based on catholic system would work more on their catholic churches and their parishes so to reflect that the development opting by them reflects their motives . Another positive result that could be reflected from the introduction of this Improvement plan is that a strong relation grew between the home and school. Frequent meeting between the parents and the teachers helped both sides to understand the system being used . Also another thing that needs to be mentioned is that the educational system overall was benefited. Introduction in one school drew focus of other schools to introduce and work on the same Improvement Plan analyzing their basic facts and requirements . Overall this particular new motivation used in the educational system helped the society to grow at large making people aware more about education, its need and developments required or already being made. It helped parents, educators and the students to enhance their knowledge and skills and also to groom themselves to be a better citizen to live in . Plan To Work Best At My School: After researching, studying and analyzing the various school improvement plans that have been working out in different zones of the world, Im of the opinion that the initiative taken so many years back was a futuristic one and its still being utilized in different parts of world today . The educational system have been vastly benefited . Students of todays day are more advanced in knowledge . If Im given a choice of adopting any of the above mentioned improvement plans ,I would like my school to adopt the Improvement Plan structured by the New Yorks Johnson City Central School District. In my opinion the first thing that needed to be improved in my school would be the management of the administrative department . Administration is something that forms the base of running any institution . So it is very necessary to manage the administrative department with proper care . Another thing that needs to be taken care of in our school is the homework managening plan that was adopted by the Johnson City Central School District. Parents need to get accustomed and have a knowledge about the homework given to their children and why. Only if they understand the need of homework for students, there involvement in the studies of their children would be more for they would have to guide their children at home and at the same time more interaction will take place between the teachers and the parents . Meetings should be arranged frequently between teachers and parents, so that teachers get to know that where their respective students are lacking and where do they need to concentrate, and parents would get to understand the process of how their children are being educated, their performance scale and how they should be guided at home. Interaction between parents and teachers are very important for this the only way out through which both the sides get knowledge about the current knowledge status of their child . Another thing that needs to be taken care of is the proper management of the administrative department. Administrative department is the main system in running a school . Hence it is very important to manage the administrative department with proper knowledge and under perfect guidance. Principal the head of the school should be appointed to someone who has ample knowledge about how to run a school and should have been worked earlier somewhere as a teacher . This is one of the improvement plans Johnson City Central School District took in hand so as to manage the school students, educators and the parents in a systematic manner so that none of the ends have any sort of complain against the education system they have taken up. This plan should be initiated in my school as well . Lastly, the thing that needs to be taken up for my school, is the way how New York Johnson Central School District is the introduction of necessary subjects that would be profitable for the students in later years . The basic requirement of benefiting subjects and curriculum activities will grow more interest in students towards education. Engaging students in curriculum activities will expand their capibilities of doing more activities together else than studies. Even the skill capacity of students will be explored at a huge scale . These are the basic changes required to be brought in accordance to the plans above cited. Reference Bernhardt, V. (2013).School Portfolio Toolkit: A Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Guide for Continuous School Improvement. Routledge. Bird, J. J., Dunaway, D. M., Hancock, D. R., Wang, C. (2013). The Superintendent's Leadership Role in School Improvement: Relationships Between Authenticity and Best Practices.Leadership and Policy in Schools,12(1), 77-99. Dimmock, C. (2013).School-based management and school effectiveness. Routledge. Duke, D. L. (2013). Are We Pushing for Greatness? School Improvement Is about More Than Closing Achievement Gaps. Schools Also Must Balance Equity and Excellence.Phi Delta Kappan,94(5), 45. Dunaway, D. M., Bird, J. J., Wang, C., Hancock, D. (2014). Superintendents perceptions of the school improvement planning process in the southeastern USA.Educational Management Administration Leadership,42(4), 460-473. Forsyth, P. B., Adams, C. M., Hoy, W. K. (2011).Collective Trust: Why Schools Can't Improve without It. Teachers College Press. 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027. Harris, J., Davidson, L., Hayes, B., Humphreys, K., LaMarca, P., Berliner, B., ... Van Houten, L. (2014). Speak Out, Listen Up! Tools for Using Student Perspectives and Local Data for School Improvement. REL 2014-035.Regional Educational Laboratory West. Hartnell-Young, E. A., Marshall, R., Hassell, R. (2014). Implementing a generic school improvement framework: experience of the National School Improvement Tool in Australian settings. Harvey, D. (2011). School Improvement Team. Mangan, M. T., Hillman, K., Madl, T., Rossi, C., Wings, S. (2014). Illinois School Improvement Grants: Strategies and Conditions for Improving Student Outcomes. Osses, A., Bellei, C., Valenzuela, J. P. (2015). External technical support for school improvement: critical issues from the Chilean experience.Journal of Educational Administration and History,47(3), 272-293. Rogers, L. (2014). Schoolwide/School Improvement Plan. Seifert, D., Hartnell-Young, E. (2015). An Effective School Improvement Framework: Using the National School Improvement Tool. Taylor, D. L., Tashakkori, A., Crone-Koshel, L. (2014). A Model of Planning for School Improvement and Obstacles to Implementation.Jsl Vol 11-N6,11, 493. Van Der Voort, G., Wood, L. (2014). Assisting School Management Teams to construct their school improvement plans: an action learning approach.South African Journal of Education,34(3), 01-07. Yang, H. R., Shin, H. W., Kim, J. Y., Ryu, H. G., Kim, T. H. (2012). Improvement Plan for School Facility Management-Focusing on Public Educational Buildings in Gyeonggido.The journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research,11(1), 32-41. Yatsko, S., Lake, R., Bowen, M., Cooley Nelson, E. (2015). Federal School Improvement Grants (SIGs): How Capacity and Local Conditions Matter.Peabody Journal of Education,90(1), 27-52. Zepeda, S. J. (2013).Instructional leadership for school improvement. Routledge. Duke, D. L. (2013). Are We Pushing for Greatness? School Improvement Is about More Than Closing Achievement Gaps. Schools Also Must Balance Equity and Excellence.Phi Delta Kappan,94(5), 45. Harris, J., Davidson, L., Hayes, B., Humphreys, K., LaMarca, P., Berliner, B., ... Van Houten, L. (2014). Speak Out, Listen Up! Tools for Using Student Perspectives and Local Data for School Improvement. REL 2014-035.Regional Educational Laboratory West. Osses, A., Bellei, C., Valenzuela, J. P. (2015). External technical support for school improvement: critical issues from the Chilean experience.Journal of Educational Administration and History,47(3), 272-293. Van Der Voort, G., Wood, L. (2014). Assisting School Management Teams to construct their school improvement plans: an action learning approach.South African Journal of Education,34(3), 01-07. Rogers, L. (2014). Schoolwide/School Improvement Plan. (Myocyte enhanced factor 2C (MEF2C), 2014) (Weishaar, 2015) Yatsko, S., Lake, R., Bowen, M., Cooley Nelson, E. (2015). Federal School Improvement Grants (SIGs): How Capacity and Local Conditions Matter.Peabody Journal of Education,90(1), 27-52. Hartnell-Young, E. A., Marshall, R., Hassell, R. (2014). Implementing a generic school improvement framework: experience of the National School Improvement Tool in Australian settings. Yang, H. R., Shin, H. W., Kim, J. Y., Ryu, H. G., Kim, T. H. (2012). Improvement Plan for School Facility Management-Focusing on Public Educational Buildings in Gyeonggido.The journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research,11(1), 32-41. Dunaway, D. M., Bird, J. J., Wang, C., Hancock, D. (2014). Superintendents perceptions of the school improvement planning process in the southeastern USA.Educational Management Administration Leadership,42(4), 460-473. Seifert, D., Hartnell-Young, E. (2015). An Effective School Improvement Framework: Using the National School Improvement Tool. Forsyth, P. B., Adams, C. M., Hoy, W. K. (2011).Collective Trust: Why Schools Can't Improve without It. Teachers College Press. 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027. Zepeda, S. J. (2013).Instructional leadership for school improvement. Routledge. Harvey, D. (2011). School Improvement Team. Bird, J. J., Dunaway, D. M., Hancock, D. R., Wang, C. (2013). The Superintendent's Leadership Role in School Improvement: Relationships Between Authenticity and Best Practices.Leadership and Policy in Schools,12(1), 77-99. (Editorial Board, 2015) Dimmock, C. (2013).School-based management and school effectiveness. Routledge. (Guivarch and Hallegatte, n.d.) Mangan, M. T., Hillman, K., Madl, T., Rossi, C., Wings, S. (2014). Illinois School Improvement Grants: Strategies and Conditions for Improving Student Outcomes. Bernhardt, V. (2013).School Portfolio Toolkit: A Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Guide for Continuous School Improvement. Routledge. Taylor, D. L., Tashakkori, A., Crone-Koshel, L. (2014). A Model of Planning for School Improvement and Obstacles to Implementation.Jsl Vol 11-N6,11, 493. (Guivarch and Hallegatte, 2013). (Editorial Board, 2015)